chainsaw on a tree log

I started making hardcore in 2018, and uptempo in 2019. Over the years a part of the uptempo scene has evolved in to the 'zaag' style. At first, I didn't like it at all, but somehow I got hooked on the zaag addiction because of Invaderz. I have a best friend who absolutely hates zaag. One day, just to mess with him, I messed around in my DAW with the goal of creating the most ridiculously heavy zaag track ever just to annoy him. Enter the 'Jackhammer' track. What was supposed to be a joke turned out to be a serious contender in the zaag scene. And thus, after producing multiple genres for about 9 years, I finally found MY STYLE!

So how do I best describe my style? Ridiculously hard & insanely wide reverse zaagkicks with abhorrent stretched heavy mid-bass kloenks that sound like someone being hit.... in the face... with an anvil...
Basically, I'd like to pull out the entire set of sounds fresh out of the factory or the construction site to fill the drop. As hard as I want the drop to be, I really like making the intro's and build-ups full of catchy original uplifting melodies.

Beside that all, I definitely like to variate and experiment with different rhythms, tempo's and keys. I want my tracks to sound refreshingly new & original, but also familiar at the same time, as paradoxical as it is.

Are you a producer as well, just reading this? Wait... nobody reads this anyway. But f*ck it, just in case i ever blow up and you read this: I'm open to ideas, collab, perform, whatever.