Nobody is interested enough in an unknown dj to read this, but I write it anyway so google sees me as a good boy, and therefore I'd be more visible on the interwebs.
The year was 1999 when I popped in to existence, but I had a crush on making music since I had the ability to not sh*t my pants anymore. I dare to say that I have a natural feeling for rhythm and melodies. My mom put me on piano lessons when I was 6. Love you mom, but I hated that sh*t. And thus I stopped when I was 13. Because when you hit puberty you start to care about if people find you cool and shit. Well let me tell you, you will pull no b*tches by saying "I can play the piano" at 13. I always wanted to learn the heavy stuff like drums or a distorted guitar instead of the piano. BUT, the piano gave me some useful skills for producing music. You see, I like everything techy too. So, I was interested in producing on the computer pretty quick.
My oldest brother (an old hip-hop producer who has the insanely rare skills needed to scratch records) introduced me to ACID pro 7, and thus to producing. That is the sh*ttiest DAW to ever walk the earth, but hey, he said it was the closest thing to logic at the time, and I had no macbook. So I started making House, then Dubstep, then Trap, then House again, then Hardstyle, then Hardcore & Uptempo. And I came to the conclusion that I love making music, whatever it is, but I hate social media marketing, and I suck at mix & mastering. Thus, I accepted the fact that I would never be a famous DJ. But I still wanted to do something useful with music. So I created my own sample pack platform. Software engineering school is no joke however, and they left me with very little time to manage that, so it didn't really grow yet.
Fast-forward to 2022, at this point I started making uptempo again after a long break. I came to the name REFOCORE. I made some uptempo songs that never really took of, but that was fine.
I made the REFOCORE thing basically with the mind that uptempo kicks are in great demand because not a lot of people know how to make them (well). So it was a pascals wager:
Either REFOCORE will actually blow up, or it will be seen and heard just enough to funnel rookie producers to my free kicks on the sample platform in order to popularize that thing.
Neither one is yet the case.
But now in 2024, things might finally be different. I have good faith in that I might be a future infamous artist. And i explain why i think that on the page MY STYLE. If this prediction ages like milk, i will delete this quietly anyway.
Yes and no. As you might understand now, my only talent is horsing around. And I did just that in 2019, when I started making annoying hip-hop beats and rapping about being very religious and very gangster (obviously all sarcastically) in the very religious city of Rijssen in the Netherlands. I just did this to make my friends laugh and constantly horse around with #REFOGANG. 'Refo' is a Dutch abbreviation of 'Reformed' which stands for 'Christian Reformed'. It is youth slang to indicate that some place or someone is very strictly christian. When in 2022 I did a serious attempt at Uptempo, I needed a name. I told my friend "I need something with Refo", on which he immediately replied: "REFOCORE", and that was it! REFOCORE was born.
Again it started as a joke, but I became more serious about religion too. I wanted to dive in to christianity because I needed an answer on the question why sh*t's f*cked today, and why everyone is so retarded. For example, Google just asked me my gender on which I replied "DJ" without a problem. That sh*t makes no sense! Anyway, the point is that admittedly, this name started out a bit as unintended satire of christians, I no longer use this name for that reason. In fact, I'd rather be the change in the Uptempo culture that it needs. I am drug free, I don't drink, I don't even smoke! And despite all that boring-ness I still have fun being sober at Uptempo parties. To be honest: No, I haven't become a real Christian. It turned out it was just not for me. But I am a deist, and I respect the Christian message & rules and think the world can use a bit more of it. For god's sake, I REALLY hope that uptempo tracks cease to be about just doing drugs and all that useless shit.
So yeah, long story short: It didn't have meaning beside unintended satire at the start, but now I somewhat try to be what it should represent.
Nothing. I had no photoshop skills when I started. DALL-E AI did not exist yet, or wasn't really known to say the least. But I still needed a profile picture for soundcloud. So I did what every sane person would do: remember a meme picture of a goose eating a leaf (looking all angry) someone had as his whatsapp avatar 6 years ago and use that one. And since then, I just stick with it. It kind of became the REFOCORE mascot I guess.